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Called to a Life of Order

Yesterday, I left SoCal to fly and visit a friend and her family, for a long overdue visit.  What a blessing it is to remain close in life even if we don’t get to see each other in person very often.  Heart strings are some of the strongest materials out there.  🙂

I have flown more times this year than I have in a long time and I’m thankful that plane travel doesn’t bother me.  But as I sat next to the window on flight #2…a Propeller Plane…my perspective shifted just a little.  Okay, a lot!


Those little blades connected to the engine were going to keep this heavy metal plane up in the air for the 70 minute trip I was about to take?  Oh Lord Jesus, help me now!  Then right before take off, two people were asked to move up to the front of the plane in order to help balance out the weight distribution of people, luggage, and plane.  Um…yeah!  Eek!!!

I always pray as the plane begins to taxi down the runway and during take off…yesterday, I kept praying until we leveled off!

So I got to thinking of all the people who are involved with taking care of this particular plane and all of the tasks that they have to do ~ I had to put my trust in their hands and pray they were capable ones.  The high level of maintenance performed daily on this little plane had to be done in very specific order, so that the plane would be ready to fly and carry its passengers. There cannot be any “easy way” outs or cheats when it comes to making promises of safety and security.  And really, you cannot have safety or security in the midst of chaos ~ the presence of order has to reign supreme.

I believe with my whole heart that God is not a god of chaos.  

He is absolutely the God of pure order.

He created life out of nothing.  We see this proof in Genesis 1:2a, “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.”

When it came to Creation, God went in order:

He created light and separated it from the darkness (Genesis 1:4)

He separated the waters and created Heaven and earth (Genesis 1:6-10)

He created the trees, plants and vegetation (Genesis 1:11-12)

He created the seasons with specific purposes (Genesis 1:14)

He created birds of the air and the fish of the sea (Genesis 1:20-21)

He created the living creatures, beasts, and livestock on the earth (Genesis 1:24-25)


He created “man in our image.” (Genesis 1:26-27)

This was God’s plan from the beginning!  I’m so excited about what God is flooding my brain and my heart with right now that I’m about to burst, or cry, or both!  Again people ~ God’s Word is ALIVE and He is so good to reveal new aspects of His goodness to me when I truly take the time to soak it all in.

Looking at this very basic time line of creation, God was very specific and orderly in ALL of it!

Why didn’t the Trinity create man first?  Wouldn’t it have been just the coolest thing to watch creation happen in front of your eyes?  I mean really….beyond cool!

What I feel God is showing me in these passages is not just about an orderly creation, its about what God wanted to prepare for all of us ~ like a “Welcome Home” party.  He wanted to prepare the earth and the heavens just for us to enjoy.  God wanted everything here on earth to be perfect for us.  He wanted all the decorations to be “just so.”  He wanted the weather to be just right and the music of creation to be in sync at just the right time.  Everything He created, He called good and was satisfied with all of it.  He commanded all things ~ birds, trees, sea creatures, livestock, vegetation, light, dark, oceans ~ to be “fruitful and multiply.”  That phrase is only used about 11 times in the Old Testament and NINE of those mentions are in the book of Genesis. (ESV) I had never really taken the time before to let that sink in…God told all of these aspects to creation to be fruitful and multiply ~ and they listened!  Whoa!!

When the earthly Home He created was ready, that was when we were invited to move in, and not one minute early.

For the first time I’m seeing how God was setting the stage for us and showing us that all we need is what He has ALREADY provided.  Anything we can possibly imagine that we need or want, He as created it.  We have been given the immense gift, honor, and responsibility to take care and manage what God has put in order.  We have been given the authority over everything that lives on the earth and in the sea.  We are given daytime, nighttime, oceans, sky, and stars to enjoy ~ we don’t have to do anything to dominate those ~ if you will let me go so far as to say, those aspects of creation are our party favors.  The beauty of a sunrise, the magnificence of a sunset, the refreshing rain, the powerful waves of the ocean, the yearly seasons of winter, spring, summer, & fall, and the innumerable stars in the sky…these are all gifts that we are given every day simply because God wanted our Home to be beautiful!

Genesis 1:31-2:2 is the glorified culmination of the six days of Creation,

“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.  Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.  So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.”


To behold means: to observe; look at; see; regard; gaze upon; view; watch; or discern.

The Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit ~ exhibited all of these qualities as they beheld the world they created and they declared it ALL good!

It was in perfectly good order!

“…So God blessed…” ~ These words pack a punch my friends!


If you will please indulge me a bit and let me use my own words, according the dictionary definitions of these words written above, the following is what I believe God has to say about all that He had created and how He felt about it:

“With great certainty, God has divinely favored, sanctified, and brought a sense of reverent worship to the day of rest upon the accomplishment of all He had done to create the heavens, the earth, and the creation of the first man and the first woman.” (Rene’ Bancroft, 2015)

I wish we were sitting across from each other, pouring over these scriptures in Genesis together and finding other related verses showing us how much God is an orderly God.  How He intended for us to behave, live, act, and care for each other.  I want to encourage you that living an orderly life does not mean you live a perfect one.  That is never (and never will here on earth) going to be an option.  Perfection will come when we are standing before our Lord, in Heaven.  What I can tell you is that because you are made in the image of God, and if you have given your life over to Him and received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have already been given the gifts and power to live a life of order.

I would like to invite you to pray right now, wherever you are reading this, and ask the Lord to show you what is out of order in your life?  I’m right here with you ~ time management, relationships, tv or computer usage, health care, the piles of bills…and the list goes on.  Whatever it is in this season of your life that is not under the orderly ownership of the Lord Jesus Christ will never become what He intended it to be for you.  He alone is the God of order.  He alone can give you the strength and the abilities needed to have a life of balance.  And we all want that.  One of the greatest blessings of being a child of God…you don’t have to do it on your own.  Life will not be perfect, but it will be a life worth living for the Lord.  You have a King for your daddy and He wants good things for you!

In the Holy and Precious Name of Jesus ~ you are free to live an orderly life according to the goodness of our God.  So go out and do what God is calling you to do.  Go out and live an orderly life and enjoy the blessings He wants to pour out on you.

